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Technology incubation in numbers

Data on startups

Cubes Technological incubation

Figures and data from the Technology Incubation project

Take a look at our project data report. We collect and analyze data for startups at three main stages of entry into the Technology Incubation Program, details can be found below the report.

The data source is a pre-incubation (registration) questionnaire and an information system for the submission of official applications and the management of supported startups. This registration is open to everyone continuously from June 2022. We supplement the data mainly with information from public registers (such as categories of number of employees, turnover, etc.).

The data in the published report for registered (pre-incubated) startups/projects is usually updated every other day. We update data on submitted applications and supported startups as soon as possible after the deadline for submission of applications for a given project call, i.e. after the application evaluation process is completed.

Basic division of the data report


Pre-incubation is usually the first contact between the startup and the so-called. pre-incubation manager (an employee of the CzechInvest agency), who contacts the startup following the non-binding registration via an online registration questionnaire. Startups have the opportunity to consult the business idea/plan and to consult on the administrative conditions of the Technology Incubation Programme. The purpose of pre-incubation is to prepare the startup for the official application.

Typical registered startup:

  • is at a very early stage of development, more than 1/3 of the registered ones have not yet established a legal entity
  • has a small-scale prototype in terms of technological readiness (product mostly not yet tested by the customer)
  • is registered by a man (the proportion of women is slightly above 10% of all registrants)
  • doing business/planning to do business either in Prague or in the South Moravian Region (more than 2/3 of those registered)
  • falls under the Artificial Intelligence sector

Submission of the application and its evaluation

Once the project challenge is open, any startup can submit an official application for support from the project. The call usually lasts for one month and after the call is over, an evaluation and possibly also a “pitch deck” – a quick presentation of the business plan.

The typical applicant is a young enterprise:

  • with a history of between 1.5 and 2 years
  • with almost 3 (co)founders
  • dealing with artificial intelligence or creative business (2/3 of applicants in these 2 sectors)

Typical (co)founder:

  • man
  • in the age category 30-40 years
  • with a university degree (in the case of 10% also with a research background according to the doctoral degree obtained)


Applicants who are successful in the evaluation will subsequently receive a positive Decision on support and after signing the contract they will be able to start incubation, i.e. will become part of our project.

Typical backed startup:

  • young Czech company with a history of 2 years
  • a startup based in Prague or Brno, respectively. South Moravian Region (3/4 of all supported)
  • a small business consisting mostly of (co)founders (2/3 of startups have no employees, the remaining third usually have up to 10 employees)
  • enterprise in the early stage of commercial development (in the pre-seed/seed phase) with no reported sales yet (weaker 2/3 of those supported, about 1/5 made between 0.5 and 3 million CZK in the last year). CZK)
  • enterprise with support within the Technology Incubation up to 1,6 mil. CZK in the Standard mode (the remaining 1/3 is supported in the Plus mode with an average subsidy slightly above CZK 4 million)