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We support

Sustainable development of the company

Eco-innovation for the next generation.

It supports the development of startups in the field of sustainability and at the same time mediates Czech and foreign know-how, technology and capital in the field of eco-innovation and circular economy.

Our goal

The EcoTech Hub’s main goal is to promote innovative technologies that have the potential to contribute to sustainable development in terms of society, natural resources and the planet.

Examples of supported areas

Water – improving the quality of surface and groundwater, responding to the negative phenomena and impacts of climate change, sustainable and efficient water management

Air – emission reduction, ozone layer protection, CCS technology, other measures to improve air quality

Waste – prevention and reduction of waste production, reuse of waste and its return to production, recycling, minimization of environmental risks

Energy – renewable and alternative energy sources including hydrogen technologies, batteries and energy storage, increasing energy efficiency, smart grids

Construction – efficient management and reuse of construction and demolition waste, sustainable architecture, urban green infrastructure

Nature & landscape – strengthening the ecological stability of the landscape and its reclamation, effective environmental protection

Sustainable production and consumption – increasing efficiency in the use of natural resources, maximising efficiency in production, eco-design, more complete product life cycles

Who we are looking for

If your business is focused on sustainability, secondary material recovery or energy savings, then we are looking for you!

Onepager Download

Filip Kruta

Director of EcoTech Hub

+420 606 708 043


Overview of incubated in this hub

Startup TailorMem


Ion-exchange membranes for hydrogen economy.

EcoTech Hub