Space technology on Earth
Space up your business.
Space Hub focuses on space activities and the space industry with the aim of connecting the existing ecosystem not only with startups but also with other organizations from the for-profit and non-profit, public, private and academic spheres.
Our goal
The Czech Republic is the brain and heart of the European space industry and satellite applications. Our goal is to help develop unique Czech know-how, form partnerships and promote cooperation between various institutions, organisations and companies across the state, public, private and academic spheres. We are a place where an ecosystem is built, where ideas meet, experiences are exchanged, new projects are formed, good practices are shared, various events are co-organised and conditions are created not only to support entrepreneurship in the space industry. Last but not least, we aim to popularize the Czech space industry and science.
The Space Hub links the Technology Incubation project with the ESA BIC Czech Republic project, developing its activities and expanding its overall direct and indirect support. Startups that bring space technologies back to Earth or develop new technologies for use in space are incubated through ESA BIC Czech Republic and its calls. Details of the collaboration between the two projects can be found here.
ESA BIC Czech Republic is the European Space Agency’s business incubator, which aims to help startups realise their ideas and turn them into business opportunities. It focuses on projects that discover new uses for existing space technologies in the non-space market, or projects that innovatively apply non-space technologies to the needs of the space market. In two offices, in Prague and Brno, it creates opportunities for young companies that are taking space technology to the entrepreneurial stage – from bicycles to suborbital rockets. More than 50 startups have been or are undergoing incubation.
Who we’re looking for:
- SMEs, start-ups, spin-offs, scientific projects with business potential and students.
- The maximum age of a company that can apply for the programme is 5 years.
- Unlike the other areas of Technology Incubation, applicants who do not have a company can also apply (however, this needs to be set up after admission to incubation).
All those interested in support for space activities will first apply to the programme through the ESA BIC Czech Republic calls. Startups interested in receiving extended support from Technology Incubation must go through the standard ESA BIC Czech Republic evaluation process.
Overview of project calls
4 October 2024 – 31.
March 2025
Other activities
CzechInvest and Space Hub are proud members of the Czech Space Team and co-organizers of Czech Space Week.