Industrial safety system
An AI-based safety system that can instantly detect dangerous situations and prevent injuries to workers.
It uses machine vision and AI in its system. Thanks to real-time image analysis, the system is not only able to detect the presence of a person in the machine’s danger zone, but also to stop the machine with immediate reaction and prevent events such as injuries or death of workers. Without the prescribed aids, the system will not allow the worker into a specific area and is also able to detect, for example, loss of consciousness. The solution includes a camera, a computing unit and electronics for communication with the machine.
Unique selling points:
- Ability to proactively prevent worker injuries.
- Recognizing a person in the danger zone.
- Possibility of use also in outdoor environment.
- Protective equipment recognition function.
- Evaluation of emergency situations.
Challenge 1/2022
Technology readiness
- Development
- Proof of concept
- Prototype
- First implementation
- Extensive implementation