Electroporation systems for research purposes in the development of new methods of treatment of severe cardiological and cancer diseases.
Tonagena offers electroporation systems for research into new treatments for cardiac arrhythmias and cancer. In addition, electroporation can be used for targeted increases in cell membrane permeability, for example for drugs in cancer therapy or gene transfer for the treatment of genetic diseases. Tonagena, an official spin-off of CTU, was founded by experts from FBMI CTU and aims to bring a new electroporation system for the precise application of electric fields to adherent cell cultures to the market. The system is intended mainly for research institutes and companies developing medical/industrial applications.
Unique selling points:
- A versatile system for research on reversible and irreversible electroporation methods.
- Highest uniformity of electric field distribution leading to high repeatability of experiments.
- One stop shop – we offer a complete system from electrodes to pulse generator to measuring equipment and software.
Challenge 2/2023
Technology readiness
- Development
- Proof of concept
- Prototype
- First implementation
- Extensive implementation