In Ostrava on 22. to 24. November, the Unique Summit Ostrava 2023 conference took place. This initiative of the Global StartupCities movement connects ecosystems from around the world to support entrepreneurship and startup development. Currently, 18 cities from all over the world are involved.
The aim of the event was to bring together startups, investors and political representatives to accelerate innovation and promote economic growth. The conference was a unique opportunity to meet the Czech startup community, among whose representatives was Nilmore, a sustainable textile manufacturer incubated in the Technology Incubation project.
In addition to thematic lectures, the main programme included excursions, panel discussions, an expo involving startups, cities and organisations, and a networking area. Markéta Mentelová, Director of Creative Hub, and Filip Krůta, Director of EcoTech Hub, led a panel discussion titled “Time to invest into the Gaming and the Eco Stuff”, as the title suggests, the discussion revolved around investing into startups dealing with gaming and sustainability, in the panel we also introduced the Technology Incubation project and the startup data we have available from it. Jan Bízik, Director of the Mobility Innovation Hub, discussed together with other speakers (Jiří Linhart, Vitesco Technologies; Patrick Dufour, Wirtschaftsförderung Raum Heilbronn GmbH; Václav Juříček, Brano) in a panel discussion on the topic “The Future of Mobility”, which was moderated by Libor Dobeš, Executive Director of the Moravian-Silesian Automotive Cluster.
An important point of the programme was also a meeting of Filip Kruta with important partners, e.g. Ivan Bartoš, Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalisation and Minister for Regional Development, at the stand of the Technology Incubation project, David Kameš from EIT Manufacturing, and Adéla Hradilová from MSIC.
Thursday’s event was rounded off with a networking event. On Friday, the summit was connected with another event – Jobspin Job & Relocation Fair, and the project became part of the event with the theme of job offers.
Dronetag from our Mobility Innovation Hub is developing drone tracking devices. Read an interview with its founder about the expansion into the US market and future plans.
At the beginning of this year, a parliamentary subcommittee was established to focus on startups. The initial meeting was attended by politicians, entrepreneurs and representatives of ministries.
An interview with the director of Creative Hub about how the Creative Business Cup competition helps creative startups to get the attention of investors and succeed on the global market.
How to support the creation of spin-offs and connect research with practice in the Czech Republic? These and other questions were answered at the National Day of Spin-offs conference organised by the CzechInvest…
The third year of Technology Incubation brought a number of significant milestones. Let’s take a look at an overview of the most interesting key activities.
Creative startups can still submit applications to the national round of the Creative Business Cup competition, which is organised by CzechInvest and the Creative Hub of our project.