Technology for processing and use of SDO
Technology for the processing of construction and demolition waste replacing up to 100% of natural aggregates in the production of sustainable building materials while reducing the carbon footprint and protecting natural resources.
RED-BETON specializes in the efficient treatment of construction waste from the demolition of old buildings. It produces recycled aggregates and uses them to produce high quality concrete with superior properties compared to concrete made from natural aggregates. The innovative approach contributes to sustainable development and reduces the need for landfill and natural aggregate extraction. It offers expansion opportunities for recycling yards, concrete batching plants and construction companies to produce concrete from recycled aggregates by licensing a unique technology and providing comprehensive support in the production of sustainable materials.
Unique selling points:
- RedBeton turns construction and demolition waste into a sustainable material.
- It protects natural resources and reduces carbon dioxide emissions.
- RedBeton helps to meet the requirements of ESG, LCA and BREEAM, LEVELS, WELL, LEED…
Challenge 1/2023
Technology readiness
- Development
- Proof of concept
- Prototype
- First implementation
- Extensive implementation