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Master the vocabulary of Technology Incubation

13.08. 2024
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Do you feel lost in the jungle of acronyms and terms of the Technology Incubation Project? This handy guide will introduce you to the most common terms you will encounter on a regular basis, from pre-incubation preparation and application to meet-ups, seminars or consultations with our business and technology experts.

Acronym for Agendový informační Systém. Web application used by the state administration of the Czech Republic, through which start-up companies apply to the CzechInvest agency’s subsidy calls.

The total amount of funding for the call.

A form of public aid which, together with other de minimis aid granted to a single recipient over the preceding three economic (tax) periods, does not exceed the amount laid down in the block exemption or in a European Commission regulation.

A key evaluation expert panel with sector-specific expertise – provides mainly substantive evaluation of applications.

A networking superstructure of incubation with the aim of actively supporting business-innovation networks, developing them and benefiting from the potential they offer both for incubation itself and for the relevant industrial community.
Hubs aim to connect incubated firms and stakeholders in the sector in order to support the implementation of emerging innovations in the processes of existing firms, to use shared know-how for the coordinated development of promising industrial sectors and, last but not least, to improve the legislative environment for putting innovative solutions into practice.

The method of support for the development of the beneficiary and its project, in particular by providing financial support and so-called.
incubation package, i.e. the work of the Incubation Team, mentoring, workshops, etc.

First contact person for the beneficiary.
The support of the startup by the incubation manager is an integral part of the indirect support and lasts throughout the incubation period.

Innovation is a positive change in the characteristics of a product or its replacement for this purpose, either incremental (evolutionary) or disruptive (revolutionary).
Innovativeness is a measure of the benefit of the change, expressed in units of the effect of the innovation, and is a binary criterion for acceptance of a startup into any sector of the Technology Incubation Project.

A service provided by the agency beyond the scope of the law, consisting mainly of consultations of pre-incubation managers with those interested in participating in the programme.

After submitting the form for pre-incubation, you will be assigned a pre-incubation manager who will present the basic parameters of the programme and all relevant information for the applicant’s eligibility based on the project phase (ongoing challenge, closed challenge).
During this preparatory phase, you can consult with the assigned pre-incubation manager (even repeatedly, as needed) all the details of your project and the elements necessary for a successful application, including their annexes (business and incubation plan).
The pre-incubation manager is simply there to go over the details of your project with you. You want to know something? Ask! Together, you can discuss all your questions about things like eligible expenses, deadlines and common application mistakes.

A set of activities, the fulfilment of which leads to the implementation of the business plan submitted by the applicant, which is an annex to the application.
The project is described in the incubation plan attached to the application.
Completion of the project implies successful completion of the incubation in the form of approval of the final report submitted.

A sector team leader of incubation managers and beneficiaries from one sector and a sector contact for that beneficiary.

The applicant to whom the grant decision has been issued.

Different levels of support, dividing projects according to their complexity and added value for the sector.

The decision on the provision of a subsidy, a unilateral legal act by which, pursuant to Section 14(4) of Act No 218/2000 Coll., on budgetary rules, a subsidy is provided and which sets out the binding conditions under which the subsidy is provided. The issue of the ROPD initiates the incubation process.

The technology areas that are key activities of the Technology Incubation Programme to which the applicant is applying as part of the application process for a specific call.
The thematic content of each sector is defined in the one-pagers available here.

The technology is being developed, or may be modified in the future, to adapt it to the requirements of different target customer groups or other markets.

System project Technological incubation, ev.
FX01010001, part of which is the Technological Incubation of Startups Programme (hereinafter “TI Programme”, “System Project”).

A small or medium-sized enterprise that has submitted an application to the call.

Application for support from the Technological Incubation Programme including mandatory annexes.

Are you struggling with any of the other terms? Feel free to email us at

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